Wednesday, 26 June 2019 14:32

RadTech and TAGA Announce UV+EB Technology Student Poster Design Competition

Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517,
RadTech and TAGA Announce UV+EB Technology Student Poster Design Competition

Chevy Chase, MD (June 24, 2019) The Technical Association for the Graphic Arts (TAGA) and RadTech, the non-profit trade association for ultraviolet and electron beam (UV+EB) processes are partnering again on the UV+EB Technology Student Poster Design Competition, which offers students cash prizes for creative poster designs. Interested graphic arts and design students do not need experience in UV+EB technology, and are encouraged to learn more and sign-up at

Entries must be submitted to RadTech by December 31, 2019. RadTech will display and celebrate winning entries at the 2020 RadTech Conference at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida, March 9-12, 2020.

UV+EB technology is widely used in graphic arts and food packaging, as well as in 3D printing/additive manufacturing, electronics and a number of metal, wood and plastics applications. UV+EB is a super fast, clean, safe, enviro-friendly and energy efficient process, that allows graphic differentiation and helps enable new printing and packaging techniques.

Last modified on Wednesday, 26 June 2019 14:39

RadTech Phone Number: (240) 497-1242

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