Monday, 10 April 2017 16:55

UV+EB on the Road - RadTech Is Participating in Several Industry Events

As ultraviolet and electron beam technologies (UV+EB) continue to expand into new applications, RadTech is participating in several upcoming events offering educational opportunities on the technology, including:
Adhesives & Sealants Council Spring Convention & Expo
April 3-5, Atlanta, GA
RadTech member technical session

ICE and the InPrint USA
April 25-27 in Orlando, FL
RadTech’s UV+EB Technology magazine will be on display as we sponsor a booth and meet with exhibitors.

The Detroit Society for Coatings Technology: FOCUS
May 4 in Troy, MI
RadTech is sponsoring a tabletop at the event.

The Eastern Coatings Show
May 15-17 in Atlantic City, NJ
Features a RadTech session on UV technology, the morning of May 16 and a exhibit booth.

Sink or Swim, the Cleveland Coatings Society Conference
June 6-7 in Cleveland, OH
RadTech is sponsoring a tabletop for this event.

July 19-22 in Las Vegas, NV
Showcases a special RadTech Session on UV+EB for wood, featuring a special presentation by IKEA, and a RadTech Booth.

Last modified on Monday, 10 April 2017 16:56

RadTech Phone Number: (240) 497-1242

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