Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517,
Chevy Chase, MD (February 15, 2018) Molly Hladik, Technical Project Leader with Michelman, was honored with the RadTech President's award, at the group's Annual meeting in Miami in February 2018. RadTech, a nonprofit trade association for ultraviolet and electron beam technologies (UV+EB) presents a special "President's Award" each year to honor volunteer leadership and service. "Molly has offered tremendous leadership and support to our UV+EB community for several years," says Lisa Fine, of Joules Angstrom and President of RadTech. "She currently leads our printing and packaging, and technical conference committees, serves on our editorial board, and until recently served on our board of directors."
Dr. Hladik is also an adjunct professor with the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF), where she helped create a unique online Radiation Curing Program, offering graduate level courses and certification on UV+EB technology. She received her PhD in Chemistry/Polymer Science from the University of Southern Mississippi and has established herself as a recognized leader in UV+EB technology.