RadTech YP: New Mentorship Platform for RadTech Members
A few months ago, RadTech members received a survey to identify young professionals and mentors within our community and important issues for young professionals (YPs). We are happy to present our first major announcement from the RadTech Young Professionals Committee.
RadTech is the first nonprofit trade association to join as a member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). NAI honors, encourages, and publicly recognizes academic inventors and innovators in all scientific disciplines.
We have gained special access to a mentorship platform through our NAI membership. We encourage all RadTech members to sign up as a mentor or mentee on the Global Academic Inventors Network (GAIN) here using the email associated with your RadTech membership or with your LinkedIn account.
When you sign up, please make sure to join the RadTech group to connect with other members. You can also join groups with any affiliated universities or technologies. Through creating a profile, you can choose your additional fields of expertise, link your calendars for the program to schedule mentoring sessions. Then the program automatically matches you with mentees or mentors that can help with career development and more. Mentors can link their calendars for the mentees to schedule mentoring sessions according to mentors’ availability and preference.
This is a unique networking platform that will enable members to better connect within our community and academia. We hope you take advantage of this exciting opportunity.
From the RadTech YP Committee