RadTech and IUVA are inviting all students, university labs, start-ups, and new technology developers to apply to be a part of RadLaunch 2021; the UV+EB technology industry tech-education accelerator focused on unique and novel ultraviolet and electron beam technologies.
Now in its fourth year, RadLaunch recognizes students, university labs, start-ups, and new technology developers working on materials, optics, design, printing, packaging, 3D printing, inkjet, building products, plastics, medical, electronics, disinfection (and more!), in support of the advancement of UV+EB.
For the first time, RadLaunch will honor student awards as scholarships and company awards as grants. In addition, the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) is once again partnering with this effort, to recognize UV innovation for public health and the environment.
The deadline for submissions is January 15, with a special virtual celebration of our winners planned for early Spring 2021. For more information, please visit https://radlaunch.org.