Sustainability: Sustainable Technology
For many manufacturers, UV/EB has potential by being a
- Line speed
- Cure time
- Coating optimization
Requiring less:
- Floor space
- Work-in-process
- Energy consumption*
- Maintenance costs*
- Capital equipment cost*
- Quality costs
As a cleaner technology with:
- No/low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
- Reduced reporting
- Improved health and safety

The Economics of Sustainable UV Technology?
Sustainability is the new Green…. and will continue to gain influence in the global marketplace. A major movement is underway—which includes efforts by environmentalists, government agencies, manufacturers, consumers and others—to improve sustainability worldwide.

Development in Low-Voltage EB Curing
Sustainable packaging and the lowest carbon footprint are some of the mandates being required by brand managers and end-users. Recent developments in Electron Beam (EB)-curing equipment provide the required dose to cure at the highest product speeds and at lowest input power.
Additional Resources
RadTech Report, Summer 2011
RadTech Report, Summer 2011
RadTech International North America | The Association for Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Technologies
6935 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 207, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 | (240) 497-1242 |