Introduction to UV LED Technology, a 10-Minute Course

Register Online: Introduction to UV LED Technology, a 10-Minute Course
Over six weeks we will email you a weekly lesson that should take you roughly ten minutes to read through. We may add additional modules so please pay close attention to your email.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson #1: Ultraviolet Light
Lesson #2: How does an LED work?
Lesson #3: UV LEDs and Mercury Lamps
Lesson #4: Special Properties of UV LEDs
Lesson #5: Building a UV LED System
Lesson #6: New Developments in UV System Design
This course was developed by Dr. Robert Karlicek, Director of theCenter for Lighting Enabled Systems and Applications, and a professor of Electrical Computer and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
RadTech International North America | The Association for Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Technologies
6935 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 207, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 | (240) 497-1242 |