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Application of AI in the UV/EB Industry: Opportunities and Considerations
Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 12:00 – 12:45 PM EDT
Speaker: Jonathan Welch, Head of Data Science, Albert Invent
Moderator: Jason Killgore, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to dominate the news, creating a frenzy of excitement and uncertainties for businesses and consumers alike. When you examine the potential of AI within our industry – chemistry and materials science, the good news is there is a clear path to the value it can provide in accelerating innovation and supporting a more efficient and sustainable future.
In this informative discussion, data scientist Jonathan Welch will provide:
- Context to the world of AI and how it applies to formulary chemistry and materials
- Practical applications of AI in the lab, including overall benefits and key considerations
Welch will also discuss where Machine Learning (ML) fits in the broader context of AI, and share real-world experiences, addressing concerns regarding data reliability and the overall adoption of these technologies. If you have questions about AI or are looking to understand more about how this fast-emerging technology can have an impact in your lab, this will be a session you will not want to miss!
Jonathan Welch brings over a decade of experience in research, engineering and data science. With a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University and a background in statistical and deep learning and chemistry applications, Welch is passionate about leveraging large real world data sets to drive innovation. Prior to Albert, Welch has held senior positions at emerging technology and research companies including Sensory and TruU.