Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, June 14, 2024, Chevy Chase, MDWith over 1,000 attendees from...
Sustainability Articles
RadTech Announces New Board Members
Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, Chevy Chase, MD (January 8. 2024) :: RadTech, the...

RadTech Work Recognized by California Senator Anthony Portantino
Media ReleaseDecember 18, 2023 Rita Loof, director on environmental affairs, for RadTech, received the 25th Senate...
RadTech & IUVA Announce Online UV LED Resource
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, RadTech & IUVA Announce Online UV...
A Note on the Coronavirus/COVID-19
February 17, 2020 All RadTech 2020 and IUVA Americas preparations are proceeding as planned and we look forward to...
RadTech Announces 2020 Emerging Technology Award Winners
RadTech, the nonprofit for UV+EB, announces the 2020 Emerging Technology Award winners, to be presented at the RadTech...
RadLaunch Announces Start-up Technology Accelerator Class of 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, RadLaunch Announces Start-up...
New Board of Director Members Announced by RadTech
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, New Board of Director Members...
California Senate Resolution recognizes UV+EB Technology and RadTech
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, California Senate Resolution...
RadTech Tech Accelerator Announces New Competition — Expands Outreach
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, RadTech Tech Accelerator Announces New...
NIST and RadTech Announce Additive Manufacturing Roadmapping Workshop for October in Boulder, CO
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, NIST and RadTech Announce Additive...
RadTech Joins the National Academy of Inventors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mickey Fortune, 240-643-0517, RadTech Joins the National Academy of...