Clean Air Awards for UV & EB Technology


Clean Air Awards for UV & EB Technology

SCAQMD, City of Los Angeles and State of California recognize Trade Group

Chevy Chase, MD—(November 11, 2005) RadTech–The Association for ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) technology has been awarded for “Excellence in Advancement of Air Pollution Technology,” at the 17th Annual Clean Air Awards by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), in Los Angeles California. UV and EB technologies are used to cure or dry coatings, inks, adhesives and composites without the high levels of polluting emissions of traditional technologies. The technology is used in industries including automotive, printing and packaging, wood, electronics, plastics and aerospace. As a pollution prevention technology, the process minimizes waste, saves energy and is generally considered more productive and safer to use than other processes.

“I applaud RadTech for their commitment to our environment. Their innovation has resulted in a fast emerging technology that supports our efforts to prevent pollution, reduce waste, and offer a safe technology,” says Councilwoman Jan Perry, Los Angeles Governing Board Member of the SCAQMD. In accepting the award on behalf of the over 700 RadTech members, RadTech Executive Director Gary Cohen described the technology to the nearly 1,000 in attendance and observed that “the biggest challenge of the industry is simply to get the word out and educate regulators and manufacturers about the environmental, as well as competitive-enhancing benefits, of UV and EB technology.”

In addition to the SCAQMD award, RadTech also received recognition from the California State Assembly and City of Los Angeles for leadership in advancing UV and EB technology. “These awards further confirm, the environmentally proactive benefits of UV and EB technologies,” says David Harbourne, President of RadTech and Fusion UV, an industry supplier. “We are honored by the recognition and thank SCAQMD, the City of Los Angeles and State of California for these awards.”

“These awards further show the leadership by SCAQMD in encouraging manufactures to implement state-of-the-art clean air technologies,” says Rita Loof, Director of RadTech. “Such leadership goes beyond simply state initiatives and has significant national and international impact.”


RadTech International North America | The Association for Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Technologies
6935 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 207, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 | (240) 497-1242 |

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