Energy Curing Users Resource Group

With growing global concerns about the sustainability of products and processes, all industrial chemicals are receiving increased scrutiny to ensure their safe manufacture, use and end of life handling.  While UV/EB/LED materials are generally considered safe, our industry has an opportunity to address the fast-changing chemical regulation dynamic by offering appropriate science-based data and information to users of the technology.  This new group will monitor relevant regulatory topics and serve as a “third party” information resource for companies using UV/EB/LED chemistries–offering assistance in interpreting regulatory directives and providing appropriate perspectives from which to address regulatory questions.

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Any information provided by RadTech and its members and consultants is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or regulatory advice  Such information provided, does not in any way constitute a relationship between the user of such information and RadTech or any RadTech volunteer or consultant. Unsolicited information provided to RadTech may not be treated as confidential.  RadTech disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions contained in information shared with users seeking information and any information offered should be vetted by the recipients own technical and legal representation.

RadTech International North America | The Association for Ultraviolet and Electron Beam Technologies
6935 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 207, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 | (240) 497-1242 |

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