U.S. Congressman Bill Foster, representing the 11th Congressional District of Illinois, met with RadTech, the...
RadTech 2025 Articles
RadTech Announces Degradable Materials Task Force Meeting
September 18, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Eastern Time)Kelly Williams, Managing Director at Earthfirst Films Laminations...
Webinar: Low Extractable Biocompatible UV Adhesives for Wearable Devices
October 10, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT Speaker: Samantha Leap, ChemenceContinuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are quickly...
Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing Workshop Report Now Available
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in partnership with RadTech, the non-profit for UV+EB...
UV+EB Cured Products Rated as “Easier to Recycle”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gary Cohen, 240-497-1243, gary@radtech.org RadTech commends the AF&PA on the release of...
SCAQMD Announces New UV/EB BACT Listings
February 19, 2021: Bethesda, Md. - The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) of Southern California has...
RadTech Elects New President, Board Members
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gary Cohen, 240-497-1243, gary@radtech.org Chevy Chase, MD (January 6, 2021) RadTech,...
RadTech North America Joins US Plastics Pact
Led by The Recycling Partnership and World Wildlife Fund in partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the U.S....
Application Open for RadLaunch UV+EB Technology Accelerator
RadTech and IUVA are inviting all students, university labs, start-ups, and new technology developers to apply to be a...
RadTech YP: New Mentorship Platform for RadTech Members
RadTech YP: New Mentorship Platform for RadTech Members A few months ago, RadTech members received a survey to...
RadTech Virtual Fall Meeting 2020
RadTech Virtual Fall Meeting 2020 The 2020 RadTech Fall Meeting will be held online this year and will be a series of...
National Academy of Inventors Class Recognizes UV+EB Innovators
… we are honored as the first nonprofit trade association Chapter of NAI The National Academy of Inventors® is a...